Imagine trying on wedding gowns and accessories curated just for you in a one-on-one styling session…at your home. It would be fabulous, right? That’s what Hudson, Ohio-based Ivory & Ash Bridal Styling Studio does! Owner Annie had just opened her mobile bridal shop’s doors six months ago and was already attracting attention through pop-up trunk shows when the world screeched to a halt.
What are you doing with your time away from the shop?
“Now, with everything at a standstill, I’m back in our studio revamping business ideas on how to tackle the market once life gets back to normal or somewhat normal. That is, in between juggling homeschooling a kindergartner and Pre-K’er while chasing an 18-month-old around…as well as maintain Ivory & Ash. It’s a total zoo in our home!!”
photography of Annie and Ivory & Ash by Tim Naujoks
What is this making you value most?
“This time is making me value how precious time is. There never seems to be enough of it, so I’m making a conscious effort every day to find joy in everything instead of stressing over the little things. It’s not easy, but I’m trying!”
What are your fave Astrid & Mercedes gowns?
“My brides really love Angelic, Ethereal, and Shimmer. Our favorite gown in the studio is the custom Shimmer Lea-Ann made for us. We named her Coco after my littlest love since we were at bridal market creating the custom design together on her first birthday! She is Shimmer on the top and Consuela on the bottom, and we just LOVE her!!”
If you are a bride-to-be near Hudson, Cleveland, Akron, or Columbus, you can have an at-home styling session with Annie of Ivory & Ash! Learn more about how it works on Ivory & Ash’s site and peruse all their lovely on @ivoryandashbridal.
photography of Annie and Ivory & Ash by Tim Naujoks