Midsummer Night’s Dream Wedding | Ainsley + Elan

When describing her wedding day, Ainsley said this: “All these handmade touches reflected our personalities and how we wanted to approach our marriage—with as much joyful abandon as running through wildflowers.” Love, romance, free-spirited, lots of laughter (Elan’s best man is a comedian! Literally.)…Ainsley and Elan’s wedding was all the Ainsley and Elan things! When […]

Magical Lakeside Bridal Editorial

Woodland fairies are real, y’all. At least that’s what we thought when we spied the gorgeous, whimsical images below of our blush Provence wedding gown by photographer Abigail Malone. Let’s just talk about the setting, because, really, it’s spectacular. Lakeside, but not the manicured kind with ducks. More a heady mix of wild and beautiful, [...]

Romantic Destination Wedding in Sorrento, Italy | Nicole + Daniel

Engaged in Paris, married in Sorrento…Nicole and Daniel's story is the dream of every globetrotter! These two actually met in Australia and became soon-to-be-weds while living in England. So, how on earth did Nicole find her blush pink Astrid & Mercedes Provence gown? Our lovely bride came home to Canada and visited us in our [...]